Free Flow Yoga Class & Seminar NEW Schedule
Student Pass Sale YIN yoga bē INSPIRED
Wellness Tip Tony Sanchez on
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In this Issue:

Free Flow Yoga Class & Seminar

Free Flow Yoga Class & Seminar      

Sep 21

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September 21 - Free 1 hour Flow Yoga Class with Marisa followed by a 1 hour presentation on oxidative stress in relation to aging health & disease, by Marisa & our own Sveta Silverman

Cost: FREE

12:00 to 1:00 pm - Flow Yoga Class

1:20 pm - Protandim/True Science, and Health Presentation
Complimentary coconut water & fruit will be served

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bē HOT YOGA Edmonton

NEW Schedule

NEW schedule

NEW Schedule...
NEW Class Times...
New Class Types...

Our NEW schedule is bē HOT YOGA next step in our HOT YOGA EVOLUTION. In addition to our CORE 32/60 minute and CORE 32/90 minute classes, we now have a 75 minute CORE 32+Yin yoga class as well as a 60 minute warm YIN yoga class. The 90 minute, intermediate CORE Master is now available on Tuesday and Thursday evenings as well as Wednesday morning.

bē HOT YOGA is committed to offering a variety of complimentary yoga classes to our clients. Come try the new classes and let us know what you think.
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Starving Student Pass Sale

Starving Student Pass Sale      

1 Semester $299

Full School Year $499

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bē HOT YOGA Edmonton

YIN Yoga
the perfect compliment to the YANG, CORE 32 hot yoga series

Call it the exercise paradox. The more you work out, the greater your chances of injury: a throb in your knee as you jog, a sharp twinge in your back when you twist for a serve. Your muscles are toned and strong, yet there you are, benched by your own aching joints. 

But a rising form of yoga aims to protect those parts so vulnerable to wear and tear. "YIN yoga is joint rehabilitation," says Paul Grilley, the godfather of the movement. "The poses work your joints in a way similar to how other types of exercise work your heart." 
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TED Ideas worth sharing

bē ART:
Alexa Meade: Your body is my canvas

Alexa Meade takes an innovative approach to art. Not for her a life of sketching and stretching canvases. Instead, she selects a topic and then paints it--literally. She covers everything in a scene--people, chairs, food, you name it--in a mask of paint that mimics what's below it. In this eye-opening talk Meade shows off photographs of some of the more outlandish results, and shares a new project involving people, paint and milk.
watch the TED Talk...

bē Well

bē HOT YOGA Edmonton

Wellnes Tip:

If the transition from Summer to Fall has you tossing and turning at night, you’re not alone. The National Sleep Foundation estimates that on average 50 to 70 million people are affected by sleep-related problems, and the change of seasons can be particularly disruptive to your peaceful snooze time. Here’s why -- and 10 ways to sleep soundly year 'round.

"Our bodies need a set amount of sleep to feel refreshed," says Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, an internal medicine physician and author of Set Free to Live Free: Breaking Through the 7 Lies Women Tell Themselves. "For adults, that amount averages 7 to 8 hours of restful sleep. Most of us are already chronically sleep-deprived, only getting 5 to 6 hours of sleep nightly."

"When we 'spring forward' or 'fall back' and fail to adjust our bedtime," she adds, "we compromise our ability to maintain those needed hours of rejuvenation."

To help you adjust, we gathered tips from several health and sleep experts:

April showers bring May flowers, but they also usher in allergy season. "One of the most powerful things women can do to sleep well during allergy season is to maintain good nasal hygiene, for example by using a neti pot or other nasal rinse," recommends Dr. Emerson M. Wickwire, co-director of the Center for Sleep Disorders in Maryland. "Pollen and other allergens negatively impact our breathing at night, and women are especially susceptible to these subtle breathing disturbances, which can wreak havoc on sleep."

Click here to read the next 9 tips

bē Yoga

Tony Sanchez Yoga

Tony Sanchez on:

The human body is a fantastic mechanism that can maintain it self in perfect functioning condition if you provide it with the right nutrition and yoga. The majority of the people struggle along their lives giving no attention to their bodies at all. They abuse tobacco, alcohol, drugs, sex, junk foods and put themselves through tensions nature never intended. Then, we wonder why do I have so much pain? Eventually these people will run into problems, their immune system will weaken and their bodies will become susceptible to germs and disease. Their spines will no longer provide them with enough support to keep good posture. Their sedentary joints will hurt and by this time in their lives they begin to feel old. The miracle of yoga is that it does not matter when you begin the practice for it to be beneficial. Once you begin yoga you will find out the most amazing thing about your body. No matter how broken down it is when you start oiling your joints with yoga asanas your body will come back to its youthful self once again. Enjoy the ride and don’t fear pain, but be careful and do not hold the poses for more that twenty seconds.

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No Carpet Here!

No Carpet Here!

Our studio flooring is specifically made for hot yoga. It’s easy to clean, safe and doesn’t absorb the sweat.
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