bē WELL 30 Day Challenge
Starts November 1
Practice 5 classes a week for 30 days. Any class on the bē HOT YOGA Schedule. You may do 2 doubles during the 30 days to make up for any missed classes.
Cost: $29 plus a pass
- bē ALIGNMENT Posture Clinic
Saturday November 2
1:30 to 3:00 pm.
Hands on clinic and will break down the finer detail of hip alignment specific to you. Learn more...
If interested, we will take before and after photos, do measurements, chest, waist, hips, thighs. Learn More...
- bē FLOW Yoga Class
Don’t miss Marisa’s flow class on November 9 1:00 to 2:00 pm. Learn more...
On the last day of Challenge you are invited to put together a Vision/Dream board. Learn more...
Potluck celebration gathering with prizes. Learn more...
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bē THANKS squared
client appreciation sale
thank you for supporting us,
thank us for bending you
*20% OFF 20 Class Pass
LAST DAY Sunday Oct 20
*write a Facebook ”Review” thanking bē HOT YOGA and/or what your yoga practice means to you on be HOT YOGA’s page to receive discount
FREE Yoga Class for animal rescue volunteers and those working in similar high stress situations.
FREE Rejuvenation Yoga Class
October 20, 1:30 to 2:30 pm
As a volunteer (or supporter), you are invited to attend a FREE, specialized yoga session, designed for animal rescue volunteers and those working in similar high stress situations.
Our main focus is relaxation and rejuvenation. Previous yoga experience and flexibility are NOT required. This class is for everyone, regardless of physical ability.
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Paul Broomfield Seminar
Nov 15, 16, & 17
Looking for Answers?
Start with the yoga & find the right questions
This three-day workshop is not about finding answers. Instead it is about finding the proper questions. For if one is asking the wrong questions, any answer will inevitably be misleading to the Self, and misdirecting to the life one is living.
cost: 3 days $100.00
day 1 - Cyclical Flow Practice + Q&A• cost of $45
day 2 - Vinyasa Flow Practice + Posture Clinic• cost of $45
day 3 - Meditative Flow Practice + Group Discussion• days 1 & 2 pre-requisites for day 3 cost $100 for all 3 days
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NEW Schedule
NEW Schedule...
NEW Class Times...
New Class Types...
Our NEW schedule is bē HOT YOGA next step in our HOT YOGA EVOLUTION. In addition to our CORE 32/60 minute and CORE 32/90 minute classes, we now have a 75 minute CORE 32+Yin yoga class as well as a 60 minute warm YIN yoga class. The 90 minute, intermediate CORE Master is now available on Tuesday and Thursday evenings as well as Wednesday morning.
bē HOT YOGA is committed to offering a variety of complimentary yoga classes to our clients. Come try the new classes and let us know what you think.
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YIN Yoga
the perfect compliment to the YANG, CORE 32 hot yoga series
Call it the exercise paradox. The more you work out, the greater your chances of injury: a throb in your knee as you jog, a sharp twinge in your back when you twist for a serve. Your muscles are toned and strong, yet there you are, benched by your own aching joints.
But a rising form of yoga aims to protect those parts so vulnerable to wear and tear. "YIN yoga is joint rehabilitation," says Paul Grilley, the godfather of the movement. "The poses work your joints in a way similar to how other types of exercise work your heart."
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Energy Exchangers Needed:
Exchange 4 hours of your time for free yoga
The Energy Exchange Program and the people who participate in it, are two of the most important parts of our day to day operations. They are an integral aspect of creating and maintaining the atmosphere, the energy and the cleanliness of the studio.
This program is intended to provide individuals who want to be more involved with our community or who, for whatever reason, cannot allocate funds toward a regular yoga practice. This program provides people an opportunity to practice as much as they want at bē HOT YOGA Edmonton in exchange for their help around the studio.
Learn more...
bē Well
Wellness Tip:
While the brain sleeps, it clears out harmful toxins, a process that may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's, researchers say.
During sleep, the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain increases dramatically, washing away harmful waste proteins that build up between brain cells during waking hours, a study of mice found.
"It's like a dishwasher," says Dr. Maiken Nedergaard, a professor of neurosurgery at the University of Rochester and an author of the study in Science.
The results appear to offer the best explanation yet of why animals and people need sleep. If this proves to be true in humans as well, it could help explain a mysterious association between sleep disorders and brain diseases, including Alzheimer's.
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bē Yoga
Tony Sanchez on:
One of the first principles I learned for a safe and successful yoga practice was to train myself to move in and out of the poses slowly and carefully. I was, told by my teacher time and time again that it is dangerous to go into or out of the poses too fast. This is where the majority of injuries happen in class. During the trajectory of any specific pose I was told to find proper alignment and fully extend, compress or twist my body to my fullest then hold. At this juncture I began synchronizing my breath with ten slow counts. During the time the pose was held every fiber of my being got activated and in time the challenging effort turned into something pleasant and powerful. Ending the pose and knowing that my best effort was put forward I stood in Anatomical posture then it was called the Central position to regroup and allow my body to return to normal.
Learn more about Tony Sanchez and follow Tony on Facebook.com