Paul Broomfield Seminar
There are a few spots remaining, sign up now
All 3 days $100
Nov 15, 16, & 17
Looking for Answers?
Start with the yoga & find the right questions
This three-day workshop is not about finding answers. Instead it is about finding the proper questions. For if one is asking the wrong questions, any answer will inevitably be misleading to the Self, and misdirecting to the life one is living.
cost: 3 days $100.00
day 1 - Cyclical Flow Practice + Q&A• cost of $45
day 2 - Vinyasa Flow Practice + Posture Clinic• cost of $45
day 3 - Meditative Flow Practice + Group Discussion• days 1 & 2 pre-requisites for day 3 cost $100 for all 3 days
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Schedule Update
Due to the Paul Broomfield Seminar, the following classes have been cancelled:
7:00 pm Friday Nov 15
4:00 pm Saturday Nov 16
4:00 pm Sunday Nov 17
All other classes running as scheduled
Energy Exchangers Needed:
Exchange 4 hours of your time for free yoga
The Energy Exchange Program and the people who participate in it, are two of the most important parts of our day to day operations. They are an integral aspect of creating and maintaining the atmosphere, the energy and the cleanliness of the studio.
This program is intended to provide individuals who want to be more involved with our community or who, for whatever reason, cannot allocate funds toward a regular yoga practice. This program provides people an opportunity to practice as much as they want at bē HOT YOGA Edmonton in exchange for their help around the studio.
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bē Yoga
Tony Sanchez on:
Essence is the primordial universal spirit.
Life is the primordial vital energy.
To develop essence is to develop the mind.
To develop life is to develop the body.
Clear understanding and knowledge originate in the mind.
Thinking and imagination are the tools of the mind.
Actions and reactions originate from the body.
Bad speech, poor thinking and inconsistent deeds are the cause of pain and suffering.
The common believe is that when life is burdened, we enter the karmic cycle of birth and death.
Make the body and mind the homes of vitality and spirit.
And elevate your body and consciousness to another level on the path.
Learn more about Tony Sanchez and follow Tony on