Gift Certificates FREE Classes bē Dedication
Semester Pass $299 Schedule Update
Energy Exchangers Needed 5 Classes for $55
1 Year Pass *$499 Tony Sanchez on
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bē HOT YOGA - newsletter
Hello *|FNAME|*, we have a lot going on this month, so make sure to check out the entire newsletter for what is happening at bē HOT YOGA
In this Issue:

Give the Gift of Yoga

*FREE Class Passes for all your friends and family
Gift Certificates in any denomination or for any pass type

Give the Gift of Yoga - Gift Certificates - 5 classes for $55

Gift Certificates
- issued in any denomination or for any pass type

FREE Class Passes
- valid for NEW clients only
- take as many FREE class passes as you like to give to your friends, family and co-workers
- new clients can also redeem the FREE class pass for 50% off the 10 Day Intro pass


Birthday Wishes, Bending Rules, and Finding Your Balance
~by Chantele Theroux

I’ve spent my fair share of time in yoga studios.

As a yoga student, I’ve learned how yoga can act as a powerful agent to change my life. As an instructor, I have the privilege to meet people who, in some form, have learned this also. I’ve witnessed true transformation of people, inside and out. I’ve also seen studios become saturated with stylized, market-spun slants advising us what yoga really is. I see more people toting lunches in Lululemon bags than people at the studios. I see super sexy stretchy pants, cropped tops in pretty prints, and ultra-designer yoga mats imparting timeless wisdom. And it’s all fantastic.
a couple of my favourties
I love my skull print yoga pants. They’re sassy and functional and totally suit me. All these ideas represented are all fabulous, in theory. But practice is your key, honeybee. My yoga pants are bad-ass. But I also need to make sure I get my ass to class.

So, let me introduce Thomas M.

On any ordinary Wednesday afternoon, you’ll find him cordial and quiet in the front row. Not because he’s a self-satisfied showman, but because he values the increased perception of alignment. Thomas has been an avid yoga practitioner for 11 years, and spent the last four of them exploring the benefits of a hot yoga practice. He began yoga because of a surgery, and it eventually lead to his deeper understanding that his health was his personal responsibility. Had also a brain injury as a result of a construction accident, and feels he’s recovered only a few years ago, in large part thanks to the benefits of a dedicated yoga practice. He very recently completed a personal goal that I’m honoured to share with you.

In September 2009, Thomas set out to attend 1,000 yoga classes, and he just finished.

He attended 1,003 hot yoga classes in just 4 years and 3 days.
(This works out to about 250 classes every year).

This is an impressive achievement for any person. What makes this remarkable is just this past month,

Thomas just celebrated his 70th birthday.

Happy Birthday Thomas

Also an avid student of yoga in the B.K.S. Iyengar tradition, Thomas practices Sirsasana (Headstand) and Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) every day. Iyengar suggests that energetically, each posture helps bring balance to the body, and that these two particular poses bring health and vitality. Among many other benefits, both can strengthen the heart and respiratory system and also soothe the nervous system.

Ask us about it next time you visit the studio.

If you have the opportunity, please join me in extending a heartfelt happy birthday wish to one of the greatest students (and teachers) you’ll likely have the privilege to practice with. Thomas embodies balance, strength, and what it means to bring true health and wealth to each other’s lives.

He’s taught me that if I can:

1) Talk less
2) Listen more
3) Learn to just slow it all down,
A different world can emerge.

All that, and if we can rock a standing-head-to-knee-pose as well as he can at 70, I think we can all resolve to roll into class a bit more often. In the end, we’re all just magnificently mortal. We’re bending rules, breaking hearts, making mistakes, falling in love, and falling in line. It’s a messy blend of personal ideas and uniquely wonderful, wild, and wicked experiences. Sharing these pieces of ourselves helps create real connection. It’s found through our curiosity, our inspirations and aspirations, and the gift of real conversation. It’s dedication to finding our own balance. Thanks to those like Thomas, this is a part of my yoga. I hope you find the opportunity to make it a part of yours.

Chantele Theroux

by Chantele Theroux
Teacher, bē HOT YOGA





Student Pass Sale

1 Semester $299

Student Pass Sale - 1 semester for $299

budget pricing for
student budgets

perfect gift for your
son or daughter

- valid from January 1 to April 30

learn more...

Schedule Update

by Popular Demand the following classes
are now CORE 32+Yin:

9:15 am Tuesdays & Thursdays
8:15 am Saturdays & Sundays

NEW schedule

Special Classes:

Christmas Day at Noon

December 25 - find 75 minutes of peace in the middle of your hectic day
- bring the family and practice together

Christmas schedule

New Year's Eve Class Ending at Midnight

December 31 we have a special treat for everyone who wants to bring in the New Year with their bē HOT YOGA family. Class starts at 10:30 pm and ends at midnight when the celebration begins

- Champagne and orange juice with fruity snack goodness

New Year's Eve Day
at Noon

January 1 Detox, fresh start, daily practice? Whatever you need this class is here for you

Give the Gift of Yoga

FREE Class Passes for all your friends and Gift Certificates in any denomination or for any pass type

5 Classes for $55 - valid for 2 months - Great Stocking Stuffers

- valid for 2 months from date of purchase

Perfect Stocking Stuffer

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Boxing Day Sale

1 Year Pass
starting at *$499

Student Pass Sale - 1 semester for $299

December 26 ONLY
1 Year Pass Boxing Day Sale
prices start at $499 for the first person in line and go up to a maximum of $899

- your price is dependant on your position in line
- only 41 passes in total will be sold for the sale price
- must be present in person to make purchase
- 1 person may purchase 2 passes, 1 for yourself and 1 other person
- please read 1 Year Pass Purchase Terms of Sale Agreement


learn more...


Energy Exchangers Needed

Energy Exchangers Needed:
Exchange 4 hours of
your time for free yoga

The Energy Exchange Program and the people who participate in it, are two of the most important parts of our day to day operations. They are an integral aspect of creating and maintaining the atmosphere, the energy and the cleanliness of the studio.

This program is intended to provide individuals who want to be more involved with our community or who, for whatever reason, cannot allocate funds toward a regular yoga practice. This program provides people an opportunity to practice as much as they want at bē HOT YOGA Edmonton in exchange for their help around the studio.

Learn more...

bē Yoga

Tony Sanchez Yoga

Tony Sanchez on:

I have organized five formulas to explain the basis for the practice of yoga. My goal is to simplify the complexity and the myths covering the truth in yoga, the path to wellness. I believe humanity deserves more than just lies and misunderstandings from our leaders. It is best to find leadership within oneself. Then you can do what is best for you, your family and your community. Yoga is all about giving and caring, it is the only way to become a better world. 

Faith + Discipline + Determination + Concentration + Patience = Yogi or Yogini/CORE 32 
Good Thoughts + Good Words + Good Deeds = Karma Yoga/Zarathushtra 
Exhalation + Pause + Mental stillness + Concentration = essence of the mind/The Tao
Inhalation + Pause + Physical Stillness + Concentration = vitality of the body/The Tao
Asanas + Pranayama + Mudras + Bandhas + Kriyas = Hatha yoga/Goraksha 

Combining the work and knowledge of all these masters in my studies and practice allowed me to look at the path from a broader perspective.

Learn more about Tony Sanchez and follow Tony on

No Carpet Here!

No Carpet Here!

Our studio flooring is specifically made for hot yoga. It’s easy to clean, safe and doesn’t absorb the sweat.
Learn more...


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