are you a Mother?
do you know a Mother?
Free Yoga for Mothers on Mother's Day
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Summer Pass Sale
Monthly AutoRenew
Save $89. First 3 months
ONLY $218.
Pay $40 for your first month and $89 each month after.
Minimum 3 month commitment.
Requires one full month's notice to cancel.
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Energy Exchangers Needed:
Exchange 4 hours each week of
your time for free unlimited yoga
The Energy Exchange Program and the people who participate in it, are two of the most important parts of our day to day operations. They are an integral aspect of creating and maintaining the atmosphere, the energy and the cleanliness of the studio.
This program is intended to provide individuals who want to be more involved with our community or who, for whatever reason, cannot allocate funds toward a regular yoga practice. This program provides people an opportunity to practice as much as they want at bē HOT YOGA Edmonton in exchange for their help around the studio.
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David Epstein:
Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger?
When you look at sporting achievements over the last decades, it seems like humans have gotten faster, better and stronger in nearly every way. Yet as David Epstein points out in this delightfully counter-intuitive talk, we might want to lay off the self-congratulation. Many factors are at play in shattering athletic records, and the development of our natural talents is just one of them.
watch the TED Talk...
Tony Sanchez on:
The way I understand, the benefits of yoga are based on the honesty of your effort during practice. My yoga teacher told me once, "you cannot know the spiritual until you can control the physical" Are you in control of your body or your body cravings control you?
Learn more about Tony Sanchez and follow Tony on