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bē HOT YOGA - newsletter
Hello *|FNAME|*, here is what is happening at bē HOT YOGA
In this Issue:

give the gift of yoga

give the gift of YOGA

add a 5 class pass to your wish list this holiday season

1 Short Term 5 Class Pass per person, may buy multiples as gifts.

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Why Forgiveness Helps you Heal

by Lindsay Fontaine

Have you ever downed an entire package of chips, crackers, or cookies? 
Ate pizza or cake until you felt sick?
Drank more coffee or wine than your body wanted?
Do you remember how you were feeling at the time?

I ask because sometimes we overeat to help distract us from emotional pain. Think about it—have you noticed that sometimes when you overeat you’re not hungry at all? What you are is lonely. Or angry. Or sad. Or resentful. Orfrustrated. Or something else.

So what hurt are YOU holding on to?

Tap Into the Power of Forgiveness


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