Practice as often as you like when you sign up for our Monthly AutoRenew pass. Right now we are offering your first month for FREE when you make a minimum 3 month commitment. Just pay the $49 sign-up fee and then we will automatically bill your credit $99 each month on your anniversary date.
When conceiving bē HOT YOGA we spent a lot of time thinking about the intention that would guide us. We explored where we came from, operating as Bikram Yoga Edmonton for 10 years and what we wanted to achieve moving forward.
I wrote this piece back in 2013 before we went public with bē HOT YOGA and just this week I created a visual presentation to go along with the words.
Energy Exchangers Needed:
Exchange 4 hours each week of
your time for free unlimited yoga
• only 3 spots left •
The Energy Exchange Program and the people who participate in it, are two of the most important parts of our day to day operations. They are an integral aspect of creating and maintaining the atmosphere, the energy and the cleanliness of the studio.
This program is intended to provide individuals who want to be more involved with our community or who, for whatever reason, cannot allocate funds toward a regular yoga practice. This program provides people an opportunity to practice as much as they want at bē HOT YOGA Edmonton in exchange for their help around the studio.