Q: Do you have carpet?
A: No, we have P.E.M. Yoga Flooring. learn more...
Q: What is the difference between Bikram Yoga and bē HOT YOGA's CORE 32?
A: be HOT YOGA offers the CORE 32 yoga series which is based on the Bikram Yoga series. Our Founder, Pernille Tjelum, has 11 year of experience in teaching Bikram Yoga and has recently completed Tony Sanchez's Teaching training course. Pernille is creating a new way for yoga practitioners to benefits from the basic Bikram Yoga practice, but is adding variation in the postures practiced as well as the length of the class.
bē HOT YOGA's the CORE 32 yoga series is based on the Bikram Yoga series so you get all of the same health benefits, but there are some significant differences in the way it is taught:
- CORE 32 90 minute as well as 60 minute classes
- bē HOT YOGA promotes a more gentle practice
- Our teachers are not "drill sergeants"
- We focus on correct alignment in the 3 planes (Sagittal, Coronal and Transverse Planes)
- We promote relaaaaaaxing into postures rather than PUSH, PUSH, PUSHING into them
- We don't have so many "rules". The only rules we have are to enhance everyone's overall enjoyment of the class
- You can leave the room if like
- You can drink water when you want to
- You can practice on your mat
- You can practice postures with variations that suite your specific needs and or body type
- Our room is hot, hotter than a Moksha room but not quite as hot as a Bikram room
- In a lot of Bikram studios the focus is on surviving 90 minutes in a very hot room. Some Bikram rooms are much hotter than the 40.5ºC Bikram recommends.
- The heat is there to enhance your yoga practice, not be the focus of it.
- At bē HOT YOGA we use heat to facilitate the body stretching more effectively and promote sweating to remove toxins.
- bē HOT YOGA offers a variety of class types and class lengths.
- bē HOT YOGA offers "Silent Classes" on Friday evenings.
Silent classes are an opportunity to turn 100% of your attention inwards, letting your wisdom and knowledge lead you into your practice. It's a very meditative practice, connecting you to how yoga was traditionally practiced. Your teacher will guide you through your practice and lead you on timing... and don't worry you will hear your teacher's voice within supporting your body through the movements.
- bē HOT YOGA offers a CORE32+Yin class. This 75 minute class is the perfect combination of the Yin and Yong Yoga. Practice the 6 minute CORE 32 class with an additional 15 minutes if Yin Yoga at the end. Yoga bliss!
- bē HOT YOGA offers a CORE MASTER class. This class is great for intermediate practitioners.
Q: What happened to Bikram Yoga Edmonton?
A: Read the whole story here...
Q: What happened to the Whyte Ave location?
A: Read the whole story here...